Welcome to the Center For Great Work Performance
About Us
The Center for Great Work Performance is your strategic advisor, an evolving catalyst to propel your organization forward. As well-versed professional leaders within many Industries, Not-for-Profit, Education, and Civil Service, our team’s collective knowledge, experience, and resources empower our clients and participants through proven processes toward WorkforceSUCCESS® and Great Performing MVP®s.
Our vision around WorkforceSUCCESS® emphasizes value for our clients as we see communities, organizations, and their workforces striving for excellence and getting great results, Every Day!
Our mission and drive are to Engage, Empower, Challenge, and Energize Communities and Organizations as well as their Managers, Teachers, Administrators, and Officers in their personal quest to becoming a Great Performing MVP® – Masterful, Valuable, Professional.
We differentiate ourselves through our focus on Great Work Performance… “_____________________________________” Performance is Critical to Success. For you, your community or your organization that might be Character-based and Competent Performance or Contribution-focused & Compliant Performance or Civic-minded & Coherent Performance or Community-engaged & Concentrated Performance or whatever you embrace critical to achieving unparalleled growth, optimum results, and absolute success.
Utilizing our unique concepts, WorkMASTERY® (Serve, Manage, Lead) and WorkSCHOOLING® (Learn, Achieve, Develop) enables us to guide our clients and participants through a customized process that develops a roadmap to getting great results.
Our complete service offering include:
• Workforce Development Training & Coaching
Great Performing MVP® Practicums
Engage, Empower, Excel, and EnergizeWorkforceSUCCESS®, WorkMASTERY®, WorkSCHOOLING® Workshops
Training Curriculum/Development
• Workforce Engagement Strategies
• Talent Acquisition – Recruitment, Staffing, Staff Augmentation (HR, Career Serv/Coaching, L&D)
• Work-Based Learning/Registered Apprenticeship Programs
• Performance Management/Optimization
• Organizational Development Strategies
• Education/Academy/LMS
Digital Marketing
• Technology
API integration
• Other Workshops/Speaking Engagements
• Other Consultation
Strategy, L&D, DEI, etc.
All said and done…the Center for Great Work Performance helps you focus on what you can do best…What can we do for you?
The Founders at the Center for Great Work Performance have paved the way in Industry, education, not-for-profit, and community engagement. All are seasoned entrepreneurs who have successfully built, managed, and sold companies from startup to over $200 million in revenue. As a team, they have combined their energies, experiences, talents, resources and skills to deliver efficient, functional, and practical solutions to drive towards achieving and optimizing great work performance.